new release
losing you, finding me
“This is an extraordinarily readable book considering the subject matter – it made me laugh and it made me cry. Kay’s story will no doubt resonate with many people and may well help some of those who are dealing with the loss of a loved one”.
Sara Ward
“A wonderful book! I couldn’t put it down. Brave, raw and emotive. Well done!”
Wendy H

ABOUT the author
Kay Backhouse was raised in the Yorkshire Dales, a picturesque part of the UK. It was here where she developed a strong connection to, and an appreciation for nature and it’s healing properties.
At the age of twenty-eight she emigrated to Australia where she lived with husband, Rick, and their children for ten years. Kay now lives with her family in the coastal town of Morecambe in Lancashire.
Through her writing, yoga practise and hospice work, she spends most days working with adults and children, helping them to navigate their way through grief and significant loss.
She truly believes that we have the potential to overcome any adversity and that the power to achieve this lies inside each and every one of us.
The Book
Losing You, Finding Me
One woman’s crusade to save her brother and ultimately herself.
‘Syd was a warrior, a fighter, a hero – but I became acutely aware that it all came at a high price. A price I was no longer willing to pay.’
Do you live your life to please others? Have you ever had a niggling feeling that the path you’re on isn’t your own?
That somehow, somewhere you took a wrong turn and now it’s too late to turn back.
In this book, Kay takes us with her on a deeply intimate and transformative journey from deep grief to personal freedom. She helps to awaken us all to the possibility of living a truly authentic and unapologetic life in a world that so often tries to dictate who we should be.
This is a truly inspiring account of one woman’s crusade to save her brother and ultimately herself.
Utterly raw and vulnerable, Kay shows us all that we only get this one precious life, and we should never waste a moment of it.