Start where you are.

Start where you are.

“I’ll start Monday.” How often do you wait for Monday to start the new diet, join the gym, quit the booze – to finally get your life in order? And how often do you wait for the right time to leave the job you hate, or wait for the perfect day to start that project or...

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Grief at Christmastime.

Grief at Christmastime.

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year……”
And for so many it truly is – for 39 years of my life, it was for me too. But when someone significant in your life dies, often the magic of Christmas dies with them. Like the lights went out. And suddenly it’s no longer the ‘most wonderful time of the year’ it can feel like the worst.

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Let me give you the quick guided tour on how this all began and how I ended up here talking to you.

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